Lifting the Lid on Supplements

Lifting the Lid on Supplements

Does this claim make sense? Is it supported by scientific evidence? Is it safe? Is it legal? Supplements can introduce an overwhelming amount of confusion to newcomers and elite athletes alike. In a world of in-your-face marketing and cheap ingredients it’s unlikely...
Plyometrics & Power

Plyometrics & Power

Plyometrics is a key training method when it comes to improving your performance in the majority of sports. The main fitness component trained in plyometrics is Power. Power is a combination of Strength and Speed (look through your secondary school Physics books!) It...
Strength Training for Endurance Athletes (part 2)

Strength Training for Endurance Athletes (part 2)

Now you understand the benefits of doing strength training as an endurance athlete from our previous OMGuide article, we are going to take a look at some practical implications. This is the stuff that reaps rewards so pay close attention! Before you start with any...
How to Become a Professional Napper

How to Become a Professional Napper

Within the realm of sleep, napping is a hot topic, so we felt this tip deserved its own couple of paragraphs and tips. It follows on from our first post on “sleep” that can be found here. If it’s possible (and most of the time it is) we really...