Kinesiology Taping for the Achilles Tendon

Kinesiology Taping for the Achilles Tendon

Like any injury, Achilles tendon pain is frustrating and can really affect your enjoyment of running and walking. Are you hobbling down the stairs first thing in the morning, and every time you stand up you start walking like you’ve aged 20 years! Don’t...
Zzzzz’s – Your Body’s Legal Doping Programme

Zzzzz’s – Your Body’s Legal Doping Programme

Anabolic hormones aren’t solely restricted to soviet sprinters and Mr Olympia contestants. You too can get your fair share, but in a legal and more ethical way! Sleep is the most effective natural means of recovery.   Sleep benefits: Repairing damaged muscles...
The Hip – A Balancing Act

The Hip – A Balancing Act

In this blog we’re going to look at why hip stability and mobility are so important and their relationship to injury prevention. Let’s start with a quick overview of the hip joint…… The hip joint consists of the acetabulum of the pelvis which...
Five Great Exercises for Runners

Five Great Exercises for Runners

Here are five fantastic exercises that will specifically benefit runners by strengthening the core, hips, and legs. They are actually on the advanced side of exercises so don’t attempt them unless you are well conditioned or have the guidance of an exercise...
Sports Massage for Marathon Training

Sports Massage for Marathon Training

Running a marathon is a massive undertaking that takes a lot of time and dedication, but it’s often the training rather than the race itself that’s the most challenging part. As you start notching up the miles your body can start feeling tired and...
Injury Proof your Running Body

Injury Proof your Running Body

You’ve trained hard through the dark cold winter months, now you’re in the shape of your life ready for the big day. Then disaster… you pick up an injury and miss the final weeks of preparation or, even worse, race day! If this sounds familiar to you...